

Genesis 1 Summary
c.155K BP Pre-Adamic Humans
* 5720 BC [Antiquities, Book 1], Josephus' "Creation"
c.3100 BC Adam: (Sumerian language) Adam/Ti(Eve) (Coptic: Atum?, Tefnut?, Set/Seth?)
c.2900 BC Noah's Flood Kish & Shurupak Zi-Usura (Sumerian) 2 Subsets?, Skeptic's date
c.2800 BC Gilgamesh: +/- 100 years Nimrod (Akkadian language)
2686 BC Egyptian 3rd Dynasty begins
2668-2649 BC Djoser 2nd Pharaoh of 3rd Dynasty, 1st Pyramid, 1st rich Pharaoh (taxes)
c.2650 BC Joseph: Djoser - Imhotep (Ancient Coptic language)
c.2630 BC "Israelite" Sojourn In Egypt begins 430 years
c.2613 BC 3rd Dynasty ends, Joseph/Imhotep is no longer 2nd in command
c.2600 BC Israelite servatude begins 400 years
2345-2181? BC Egyptian 6th Dynasty
2278-2184? BC Pepi II 4th Pharaoh of 6th Dynasty
c.2200 BC 1st Exodus: Pepi II ("Moses"?? - Aardsma, assumes large 1Kings 6:1 error)
c.2180- (The 7th-18th Dynasties' chronologies are ignored hereafter due to inconsistencies)
c.2000-1950 BC Jerico destroyed, but rebuilt ("Joshua"??)
* 1887 BC[Antiquities, Book 2], Josephus' Death of Isaac
c.1840 BC 1st true alphabet (Cananite/Hebrew) invented in a Sinai/Egyptian mine
1775-1750 BC Code of Hammurabi more detail
* 1667 BC[Antiquities, Book 3], Josephus' 2nd Exodus from Egypt
* 1665 BC[Antiquities, Book 4], Josephus' Rejection of "that generation"
c.1630 BC 2nd Exodus: (historic) Ahmose, name similar to "Moses"
c.1630 BC (Ahmose "expelled" the Hyksos - or "Hycsos" Josephus (Against Apian).)
c.1630 BC Ahmose connected to Minoan Erruption, See also here
c.1630-1600 BC The Minoan Volcanic Eruption (C14 wiggle dating)
* 1627 BC[Antiquities, Book 5], Josephus' Death of Moses
c 1617-1530 BC Jerico destroyed a 2nd time, then never rebuilt.
. . . . (Before this, Jerico had been rebuilt into a "small but important city" with
. . . . "extensive defensive walls with rectangular towers' and "a massive stone revetment")
* 1557 BC [Antiquities, Book 5.1.29], Josephus' Death of Joshua (Judges 1:1, 2:6)
* 1510 BC [Antiquities, Book 5.3], Josephus' Othniel (Judges 3:7)
* 1451 BC 2nd Exodus (calculated: Britanica's Solomon date & M.T. span to 4th year)
* c.1400 BC [Antiquities, Book 5.4], Josephus' Ehud (Judges 3:12)
* c.1340 BC [Antiquities, Book 5.5], Josephus' Deborah (Judges 4:1)
* c.1300 BC [Antiquities, Book 5.6], Josephus' Gideon (Judges 6:11)
c 1200 BC Very rough date for the transition from Bronze age to Iron age (Mid-east)
. . . . [Antiquiiies Book 5.7], Abimelech
. . . . [Antiquities Book 5.7.8], Jephtha
. . . . [Antiquities Book 5.8], Samson
. . . . [Antiquities Book 5.9], Eli, Boaz, Ruth
. . . . [Antiquities Book 5.10], Samuel)
* 1151 BC [Antiquities, Book 6], Josephus' Death of Eli
* 1119 B C[Antiquities, Book 7], Josephus' Death of Saul
* 1079 BC [Antiquities, Book 8], Josephus' Death of David, (start of Solomon's Reign)
* From Exodus to Solomon's 4th year:
. . . . Josephus' Antiquities 8.3.1: . . . 592 years
. . . . 1 Kings 6:1 (M.T.): . . . 480 years
. . . . 3 Kingdoms 6:1 (LXX): . . . 440 years
c.975-927 (Britanica) Solomon's Reign
c.970-931 (Wikipedia)Solomon's Reign,
* 916 BC [Antiquities, Book 9] Death of Ahab
* 759 BC [Antiquities, Book 10] Captivity of the Ten Tribes
c.700 BC Isaiah (Is.40:1-5, prophecy concerning John the Baptist and Jesus)
c.650-570 BC Jeremiah: (Hebrew Prophets)
c.622-527 BC Ezekiel
c.600 BC Epimenides: (Titus 1:12)
c.600-540 BC Daniel
c.600-530 BC Cyrus t.g. Founder of Achaemenid Empire
c.587-586 BC Jerusalem falls Daniel to Babylon - Egyptian exile ~Aswan
c.563-483 (or c.480-400) Buddha BC Siddhartha Gautama
c.551-479 BC Confucious Kung-Fu-Tzu
c.550-330 BC Achaemeind Empire
c.550-530 BC Historic Reign of Cyrus t.g.
* 576 BC [Antiquities, Book 11], Josephus' First year of the reign of Cyrus
c.570-495 BC Pythgoras: triangle theorem
c.539-? BC Cyrus, rebuilds temple
486-465 BC Xerxes 1: c.518-465 born-died (Ahasuerus,Esther)
c.480-440 BC Ezra
c.470-399 BC Socrates: "unknown god?"
c.425-348 BC Plato: logos pathos ethos
c.420 BC Malachi (means "messenger") identified possibly as "Ezra" by Jewish tradition
384-322 BC Aristottle: logic & natural philosophy
* 356-323 BC Alexander t.g. Greek Empire
367-282 BC Ptolemy Soter (Alexander's General) Egyptian "King of the South"
c.358-281 BC Seleucus I Nicator (Alexander's General) Syrian "King of the North"
...-164 BC Kings of North & South continued (until the time of the Maccabees)
c.300 BC Euclid: Geomerty
c.287-212 BC Archimedes: (22371 < π < 227) Volume of a Sphere = 43πr3
285-247 BC LXX translated: Greek speaking Jews in Egypt exile ~Aswan
c.280-203 BC Fabius Cunctator: Fabian strategy: small engagemets, cut supply lines
247-182+/-1 BC Hannibal: Elephants crossing Alps vs. Rome
c.215-164 BC Antiochus IV Epiphanes
c.205-180 BC Famine Stela (forgery) story concerning Djoser, Imhotep & a 7-year famine
167-37 BC Maccabees: Period of (110-63 rule)
* 153 BC [Antiquities, Book 12], Josephus' Death of Judas Maccabeus
* 71 BC [Antiquities, Book 13], Josephus' Death of Queen Alexandria
49 BC Julius Caesar: Crosses Rubicon into Rome
46 BC Leap days added to calendar, every fourth year
* 39 BC [Antiquities, Book 14], Josephus' Death of Antigonus
37-4 BC Herod t.g.: 72-4 BC born-died
27-14 BC Caesar Agustus: 63 BC-AD 14 born-died (Luke 2: edict)
* 21 BC [Antiquities, Book 15], Josephus' Herod finishes the Temple
12 BC Haley's comet
5 BC Chinese comet, appeared March 9-April 6. lasted > 70 days
4 BC-AD 39 Herod Antipas (the Tetrarch) Lived 20 BC-AD 39 (beheaded John)
c.AD 0-30 Jesus: (traditional dates)
c.AD 5-65 Paul t.a.
AD 14-37 Tiberius Empr. (see next line for 15th year of) (Luke 3:1)
AD 29 (15th year of Tiberius) Jesus begins ministry at about 30, Luke3:23
AD 37-41 Caligula Empr.
AD 41-44 Herod Agrippa I Lived 11 BC-AD 44 (Martyred James)
AD 41-54 Cladius Empr.
AD ---66 Herod Agrippa II Lived AD 27/28 to 92/100 Fled Jerusalem in AD 66
AD 54-68 Caesar Nero AD 37-68 born-died (the "number" of Nero)
AD 55-57 Probable date for Paul's letter to the Romans
AD 60s Paul's in prison Wrote letter to the Colossians
. . . . The Gospel had, by this time, spread to the "whole world": Rom.1:8 Col.1:23
AD 66 Haley's comet (75-79 year period)
AD 66 Roman-JewishWar (started under Nero)
AD 69 year (68-69) of four emporers: Galba Otho Vitellius Vespasian
AD 69-79 Vespasian Empr.
AD 69-155 Polycarp Church father
AD 70 Jerusalem falls (General Titus) 66-67-68-69-70-71-72-73 (prophecy concerning)
. . . . See: Matthew 24, and Mark 13, Luke 21 for signs and descriptions. (Explanation)
. . . . Josephus' Wars 5.3.1 Abomination of Desolation in Temple" Daniel 9:27, 11:31
. . . . Josephus' Wars 5.3.2 Armies surround Jerusalem - way made level Isaiah 40:1-5
. . . . Josephus' Wars 6.5.3 Chariots & troops in armor "among the clouds" Rev.19:11-16
AD 73 Israel falls (Masada)
AD 79-81 Titus Empr.
c.150 Ptolemy: Almagest and Planetary Hypotheses (Geocentric Cosmology)
c.115-c.215 Clement of Alexandria Church father
c.155-c.220 Tertullian Church father
c.185-c.253 Origen Church Father
272-337 Constantine t.g. 1st emporer to convert
325 1st Council of Nicea
. . . . Text of the Nicene Creed "He will come again..."
c.342/347-420 St. Jerome
354-430 St. Augustine of Hippo
381 1st Council of Constantinople
382..ff Latin Vulgate, by Jerome (under Pope Damasus 1)
431 Council of Ephesus
451 Council of Chalcedon
476 Rome falls
AD 500-1000 Early Middle ages
553 2nd Council of Constantinople
c.570-632 Muhammad the Islamic prophet. Muslim armies begin conquering Middle East
637-638 Siege of Jerusalem (Muslim conquest of the Levant)
680-681 3rd Council of Constantinople
787 2nd Council of Nicea
800-... Holy Roman Empire Pope Leo III names king Charlemagne "Roman Emperor"
c.1000 Beowulf First Christian elements in Old-English literature
1054 (July) Great Schisim -- Crab Nebula Supernova
1071 Battle of Manzikert Turning point: the Roman Church starts losing power to Moslems
1095-1302 The Crusades (to reclaim Jerusalem)
c.1200 Cardinals add chapter numbers to Vulgate
1300-1500 Late Middle ages
1346-1353 The Black Death (European Bubonic Plague pandemic
1382-1395 John Wycliffe Bible translated to English
1452-1519 Leonardo daVinci ----- Renassance -----
1455 Gutenberg Bible, Johannes G., Movable-type printing
1473-1543 Nicolas Copernicus, (Heliocentric Cosmology)
1483-1546 Martin Luther Protestant Revolution
1492 Columbus "new world"
1502-1585 Pope Gregory XIII (life); serves as Pope: 1572-death
1509-1564 John Calvin (--predestination--)
1517 Protestant Revolution Ninety-five theses (Martin Luther)
1519-1522 Magellan circum-navigation of globe
1558-1603 Queen Eliabeth I nearly 200 Catholics executed
1560-1609 Jacobus (James) Arminius (--free will--)
1561-1626 Francis Bacon Father of Empiricism
1564-1642 Galileo Galilei experimental science
1571-1630 Johannes Kepler eliptical orbits
1582 Gregorian calendar "leap days" omitted in years ending "00," not divisible by 400
1588-1679 Thomas Hobbes political phiilosophy
1596-1650 Rene Descartes analytical geometry i=imaginary,useless
1620 Pilgrims 1st successful British Colony
1623-1662 Blaise Pascal his "wager"
1642-1726 Isaac Newton 1687 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - Causality
1686-1753 George Berkeley Berkeleyan Idealism
1692-1693 Salem witch trials
1702-1761 Thomas Bayes (Bayesian probability)
1707-1783 Leonhard Euler: e+1=0 where "e" (Euler's #) = lim n ⇨ ∞ of (1+1/n)n
1711-1776 David Hume Naturalistic Philosopher
1713-1784 Denis Diderot: (a+bn)/n=x vs. e = lim (1+1/n)n and e=-1
1724-1804 Immanuel Kant "Modern" ethics and philosophy
1726-1797 James Hutton Founder of Old-Earth Geology (Christian)
1729-1796 Catherine t.g.
1749-1827 Pierre-Simon Laplace (Polymath)
c.1760-1830 1st industrial revolution (coal and water power)
1765-1815 Robert Fulton 1st comercially successful steamboat
1769-1821 Napoleon Bonaparte French military and political leader
1776 U.S. Revolution
1783 First manned (balloon) flight
1789 French Revolution Storming of the Bastille
1797-1875 Charles Lyell (Principles_of_Geology, 1830-33)
1800-1882 John Nelson Darby (Father of Dispensationalism 1840)
1809-1882 Charles Darwin (Origin_of_Species, 1859)
1814 Thomas Chambers promotes "Gap Creationism" (early "Gap Thery")
1827-1915 Ellen G. White "Vision" that creation "days" were "24-hour-days"
1831-1879 James C.Maxwell light = electro-magnetic waves
1852-1931 Albert Michelson & Morley experiment "C" 1887
1858-1947 Max Planck ----- Modern Physics -----
1863 Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation
1869-1916 Grigori Rasputin Russian Mystic
1870-1963 George McCready Price (The New Geology, 1923) see E.G.White, 1827
1872-1970 Bertrand Russell mathematician, logician, philosopher (no beginning)
1879-1955 Albert Einstein Relativity early Quantum Mechanics
1887-1961 Erwn Schrodinger quantum wave equation **Non Causality**
1889-1953 Edwin Hubble expanding universe (beginning?)
c.1900 2nd industrial revolution (gasoline and electricity)
1901-1976 Werner Heisenberg uncertainty principle
1903 Wright Brothers first "heavier-than-air" manned flight
1906-1978 Kurt Gödel incompleteness theorem
1908 Model T Ford introducion
1909 Scofield Refernece Bible Introduced Gap Theory & Dispensationalism to U.S.
1911-2008 John Wheeler delayed choice
1913-1960 Albert Camus Absurdist (considered existentialist)
1915-2001 Fred Hoyle "steady-state" Astronomer (no beginning)
1918-1988 Richard Feynman space-time (1-i) diagrams
1918-2006 Henery M. Morris (The Genesis Flood, 1961) see G.M.Price, 1870
1927 Big Bang (beginning) theory proposed by Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre
1927-2013 Chuck Smith Pastor Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
1931- Roger Penrose thought vs. computation
1941-2002 Stephen Jay Gould Punctuated Equilibria
1942-2018 Stephen Hawking "Fire" in the equations
1945 Trinity Test of 1st atomic bomb
1947- Stuart Hameroff ("spirit" in the equations)
1948 Israel declares independence
1957 Sputnik 1 First artificial Earth satellite
c.1960 computer revolution
1964 Discovery of cosmic background radiation confirmed "Big Bang", Penzias/Wilson
1969 Neil Armstrong Apollo 11, first manned Moon Landing
1970-... Tests of the Bell Inequality (proofs of strange Quantum Mechanical properties)
1971 first microprocessor
1976-1979 DiscoVision (First Laser Discs)
1980's World Wide Web
1985-1988 2 patents
2004 1 patent

1. These footnoted dates were calculated, using Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews. They were derived from the numbers supplied in the various book headings. All of these dates are calculated relative to the relatively-precisely-known June 10th/11th, 323 BC death of Alexander the Great. They will probably contain cumulative (chained) rounding errors, in addition to the normally-expected recording and copying errors.

* Dates with stars (*) are calculated ftom other historic dates (mostly Josephus). The precise Alexander anchor-date is also starred